Together we can build better!

Green, Energy-Efficient Building Materials
GRH's EC3 panels provide one of the safest, most advanced insulated building envelopes on the market today.
From high end private homes to multi-family projects, GRH's EC3 panels can help you to realize your goal of building a stronger, safer and more energy efficient structure... all while reducing the carbon foot print of your project!
Our technical team is ready to assist you!

What we do
We produce high performance, energy efficient structural insulated panels - EC3 Panels.
EC3 Panels and the EC3 Building System are used to construct building envelopes for residential and light commercial uses.
EC3 panels are manufactured using patented technology at our new, state of the art factory in Lithuania. They provide impressive overall strength and endurance. EC3's are light weight and easy to install. They provide a superior U Value and a high resistance to fire, fungus and pest infestations.
Structures built or renovated using EC3 Panels have a reduced impact on the environment These buildings are more energy efficient, use fewer natural resources, and result in less waste, energy consumption and pollution during the construction process and throughout the life of a building.
EC3 Panels are not just another SIP . . .
They are the next step in the evolution of building materials.

EC3 Panels

The sidings of EC3 panels are composed of fiber-reinforced Magnesium Oxide (MgO) boards. MgO is a mineral, that when processed as a cement, has exceptional ability to block heat and is non-combustible. The production of MgO cement has none of the harmful effects of Portland cement.
PUR foam that is injected between the boards provides superior insulation and creates a strong structural core with excellent adhesion.
EC3 panels is insulated, strong, light and easy to use. They are resistant to impact, fire, pests, and mold.
For technical information
EC3 Panels provide excellent thermal insulation, but it doesn't stop there. The panels are also air-tight and have no thermal bridging. So you're guaranteed a superior u-value!

EC3 Panels are fire resistant, in fact they are non-combustible. They emit no VOC's and are resistant to rot, fungus and pest infestations. Since EC3 Panels are air-tight, pollutants and pollen from outside stay out, making the indoor environment healthier!

EC3 Panels offer exceptional mechanical characteristics and are suitable for use as load bearing elements. Multiple levels can be built with reduced or even no need of additional framing or supports.

Quick and Easy
Construction time is cut in half when building with EC3 panels. And because they are lightweight, in most cases, the use of heavy equipment can be eliminated. The workforce needed for installation is also drastically reduced.
EC3 panels are easy to install. They are attached to the sill plate using screws and an insulating foam. The panels are attached to each other using a combination of MgO splines and GFRP profiles that are inserted into the grooves that run along the parameter of each panel. The assembly is then fastened to the top plate using screws and insulating foam.
Panels can be customized at the factory, which reduces prep time and waste on the job site. Or they can be resized onsite, the choice is yours. Chases and electric box cut outs can also be fabricated into the panel for construction that will not use internal plasterboard.

Where to Use
EC3 Panels are suitable for use in all aspects of the building envelope:
• External and internal walls
• Slabs • Floors • Roofs
They can also be used in load bearing applications.
In most cases, EC3 panels are used to construct the building envelope, with plaster board installed on the interior and optional cladding to the exterior.
For more affordable or tiny houses, it is possible to build the entire structure using only EC3 panels.

Top Floors
Light-weight and easy to handle, EC3 panels are the perfect solution for adding levels and for making other additions to buildings.
And the neighbors will love how clean and quite the construction is!

is the time for change
The world is facing an urgent need to find solutions to mitigate climate change. Each business sector must do their part towards finding innovative solutions that allow us to make needed changes.
As a member of the world community, the GRH team takes our commitment to sustainability seriously. This commitment guides us in all aspects of our business, from our daily activities, to the design of our products, the sourcing of raw materials and finally in the production process.
Our factory and production process were designed to minimize the use of electricity (water and gas are not used at all). Heat emitted from our production line, is used to heat our facility. And of course like everyone, we recycle. But our engineers and technicians take this a step further by finding clever ways to repurpose items that can't be recycled.
EC3 panels are recyclable and produced without the need to cut down trees. It gets better - our siding material is made from the mineral, Magnesium Oxide. Magnesium Oxide is mined and refined primarily for medicinal and dietary uses. The by-product is used to make the EC3 siding.
The insulating foam cores used in EC3 panels are made of 98% air, and require only a small amount of petroleum by-product for production. All GRH foam core materials are made using non-CFC blowing agents.
Construction waste, estimated to be 30% of all landfill waste, is nearly eliminated when building with EC3 panels. This because the panels are pre-engineered to meet the specific needs of each project, resulting in very little waste.
Noise pollution is reduced by 95% during construction using EC3 panels and no harmful vapors are emitted into the air. As a result fast construction time, the impact on traffic and air pollution surrounding job sites is greatly reduced.
We all know that home energy use has a sizable impact on the environment, but did you know that homes release on average 9,980 kg (22,000 lbs) of CO2 into the atmosphere annually? Structures built using GRH EC3 panels will contribute up to 60% less CO2 yearly.
At GRH, sustainability is more than a catch phrase, it's a way of life. Which is why we commissioned an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) that was compiled by an independent third party under strict guidelines. This report allows us to accurately quantify our carbon footprint and to helps us to understand where we can do better. Please contact us if you'd like to have a copy of our EPD.